Tag Archives: recyclable

Pick Up. It’s Your Green Cell Phone Calling.

The Motorola Renew in its sustainable packaging. (CBS Interactive)

The Motorola Renew in its sustainable packaging. (CBS Interactive)

In a recent article featured in The New York Times, reporter Eric Sylvers begs the question: should we save money or save the environment? As material kids living in an economically unstable world with unparalleled technological advances, the question has become more relevant than ever before.

The newest niche green market? Cell phones. Up until now, we only demanded that our Blackberry or iPhone e-mails, texts and (I almost forgot) receives the occasional phone call.

Now, we’re starting to expect a little more from our bluetoothed friends. We want to make sure these mobile devices deliver and save. However, expensive phones (that just happen to reduce your carbon footprint) aren’t the obvious answer in an economic recession.

“People aren’t going to care about environmentally friendly mobile phones until the green products cost less than the regular ones,” said Tom Byrd, an industry analyst with CCS Insight in Solihull, England.

The idea is that if companies raise the hype now, there will be a larger demand for green phones down the road, meaning prices should drop. Still, experts expect another two to five years to pass before we see the change.

“This is absolutely a niche product and niche market and niche audience,” said Mr. Byrd, the CCS analyst. “But there is an audience out there that cares about the environment and will pay more to lower their impact.”

What impact exactly? As of now, Nokia seems to be the leader in green cell tech. Many of their phones have light sensors that detect natural light, which allow them to save energy. The phones also beep when fully charged, so you don’t shock the equipment (or yourself when you spy the bill) with extra electricity.

Later this month, Motorola will be releasing the MOTO W233 Renew. The phone is certifiably carbon free; from the product to the packaging, it’s 100 percent recyclable. Naturally, it comes in a lovely shade of green. The phone will be available on the T-Mobile network and will cost a mere $9.99.

Skip coffee for two days at Starbucks and you can easily afford this eco-friendly phone – and get in touch with your thermos.

Trees everywhere are smiling.

XO, The Green Gamine

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