Tag Archives: polar bears

Coke Donates Big for the Teddies

Readers! (Didn’t you just adore the way Jane Eyre called the members of her captive audience readers? So obvious and yet so appropriate. I’m going with it.)

Readers! It’s been nearly one solid year of my life since I last updated the ol’ Gamine. And as it turns out, I’ve missed you all to pieces, if only because I enjoy waxing poetic about my adoration for all things ridiculous that just so happen to be green. (It’s a nice bonus that I don’t have to publish your responses to said exclamations if they’re less than kind.) (You’re always kind, though. Thank you, munchkins.)

But anyway, Starbucks has had their much-awaited (by everyone, honestly, much as they complain about them, including me — for enthusiasm, not complaints) Christmas cups out and about for a week now, and I suppose it got me into a non-Grinchy mood. Not to say I was in one, but then I caught a polite afternoon screening of Puss in Boots (3D!) with my grandfather, and I saw Coca-Cola‘s latest ad during the previews for the previews, and oh my goodness! If polar bears and their plight don’t get you all Good Will Towards Men (and Bears), then I just think you’re missing your holiday heart (and you should check on that, ’cause it’s a prime organ). Anyway, rolling!

I am absolutely overwhlemed by the amount of cute in this commercial. As you can see, they’re hawking their new polar bear-white cans — kind of novel all on their own, since Coke’s been stylin’ their iconic red cans since, oh, about forever. But as you now know, these white cans are for an extra-special cause.

Ya see, Coke’s been putting the polars to work for years, sippin’ from glass bottles to spread holiday cheer, so they’re finally saying thank-you for the use of their furry visages by donating $2 million to WWF, ‘specially to keep these teddies alive. (Numbers are dwindling and global warming isn’t helping the sitch much at all.) We plebeians are welcome to make slightly smaller donations on their website, Arctic Home, and Coke will match them buck-for-buck. Pretty sweet, right?

So if you’re inspired, thirsty, or just in the mood to see real-live Coke mascots in cuddle mode, head on over to their site tout suite!

XO, The Green Gamine

P.S. I’m baaaaack! So, follow me on Twitter @GreenGamine.

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