Tag Archives: perfume

Smell So Fresh, So Green

Saplings! I’m sorry I’ve been away for so long. You know the theory that sea salt soothes the young straight to sleep? Applies to the old, too, or at least the slightly older. Spending my days at the Jersey Shore – but far from the Snookis and Situations – I’ve been selfishly soaking up the sun. Blame my frivolity on youth, a spontaneous trip to Quebec, Taylor Swift (the video for “Mine” is adorable) – the summer has kept me away from you all, but I’m still solidly green.

Of course, you could credit my return to the school books and teacher’s dirty looks that accompany September. Back on board and now in grad school (!) at Tisch, I walk around campus and am reminded of the countless hours I spent on this blog. I read through the posts now and get nostalgic for real school when teachers gave me grades and midterm report cards and, aw, you know? Now, I all I have to do is read (essentially), plus two papers per class, which has its benefits. I get more sleep, more than four hours regularly. It also has the effect of making me feel like a bum, which is why I am back to blogging, waxing poetic on all things green with a touch of sparkle.

And since I’ve been such a stinker (hey, no Garden Stater can avoid the Jersey Shore stench entirely), I thought I’d start off September with an eco-friendly stank, complements of Ms. Donna Karan. It’s called pureDKNY and it’s oh-so-green.

To explain, the bottle is made from recycled glass. Likewise, the packaging is being constructed in a carbon neutral facility, which means that the energy is 100 percent reusable. And for all you animal lovers out there – I have a cuddly couple myself, including a sappy golden retriever, Linus, and a sarcastic grey tabby, Lucy – DKNY scents (including the apple-scented Be Delicious) are never tested on our furry friends.

More importantly, the “drop of vanilla” extract used in pureDKNY comes from a fair trade farm in Uganda. The facility promotes safe working conditions for its farmers – 60 percent of which are women – and fair wages. Congress could learn a thing or two from this model of efficiency, eco-consciousness and care, no?

Let’s leave it here for now. Missed you all like I miss sand between my toes.

XO, The Green Gamine

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Your Heart Is So Green

991004550_ef839c16a92Hello, Valentine.

Ditch the conversation hearts this holiday season and go for something sweeter – and greener. It’s not that hard, gentlemen. It just takes a little creativity. These five tips are for the boys.

  1. The last time she mentioned children you freaked. After all, your carnival goldfish only lasted five days (kudos to your pitching arm). So get her a little something she can practice on. Buy her a (pretty) potted plant she can savor the petals beyond the week-long life span of a dozen roses. How about a cactus? At least it will drive away the winter blues. Give it a few months and it will even bloom.
  2. If you do decide to live La Vie en Rose, know that flowers have feelings too – or least the people that handle them too. Visit VeriFlora for sustainable bouquets and potted plants that educate florists and handlers on the importance of sustainable flower arranging. These florists are all about catering to the locals – local businessmen that it. Support the farmers who made you look like a stud without even trying.
  3. Eat your heart out, Posh and Becks. Despite making us drool, Amrnai underpants come up short next to the U.K.’s Pants for Poverty. They’ve created a line of fairly traded, organic lingerie in colors your girl will adore. (Pastel pink is so Sixteen Candles. Go for the turquoise for something unexpected – the way we like it.)
  4. We assume your girlfriend is not a stinker. Still, everyone enjoys a subtle perfume that makes a statement. Terri Michele Fragrances wrap their fresh scents in Forest Stewardship Council-approved wrapping. And their bottles are made from post consumer regrind to boot, making them completely recyclable.
  5. That heart-shaped red box is so 90’s. Take a bite out of love with organic chocolate. Green and Black’s Organic is a line of eco-cocoa that’s sure to induce a sugar coma. Sweet and savory, the luxe line offers everything from hot chocolate to ice cream. More options, more love.

Warning: We reserve the right to blame you for the extra pounds. You should maintain the right to tell us we look great in those jeans.

XO, The Green Gamine

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Filed under Green Living, Green Shop