Tag Archives: make it right

Brad Pitt Plays (Green) House

Picture 1No, Brad and Angie aren’t considering putting their ever-growing family in the world’s largest green house. But Pitt, whose dedication to green architecture and disaster relief spawned the organization Make It Right NOLA, put on his hard hat and came up with this green idea.

In an attempt to combat the constant flooding in the Bayou, Pitt and Co. created the floating home, a house that is not only sustainable but practical. Made of polystyrene foam and covered with glass-reinforced concrete, the house features two vertical guideposts that are used as anchors to avoid drifting. If the house needs to make a quick escape, it can shimmy up the guideposts and away. In the process, it will detach from any plumbing or electrical units. And the boathouse is loaded with enough batteries to keep it running for up to three days! Best part: the example home is all ready for a family to move into.

Pitt’s infatuation with the historic city of New Orleans first came while filming the 1994 hit Interview with the Vampire. Since Katrina, he and his partner, UN Ambassador Angelina Jolie, have helped with disaster relief. Pitt once stated that he finds New Orleans to be America’s “most authentic” city.

Pitt is not the only celeb helping out. Ellen DeGeneres, who is a native of New Orleans, has helped to fund over $1 million for Make It Right. The dancing talk show host invites you to donate, too.

Would you want to live in a floating home?

XO, The Green Gamine

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