Tag Archives: joe jonas

Lovebirds Demi and Joe Make a Splash

Welcome back, lovers! I recently had the shock of my quasi-professional existence when I discovered that my precious website had suddenly disappeared! Perhaps you noticed? To be quite honest, I hadn’t, that is until my mother – my most loyal fan – informed me she could no longer access the site…!

Never fear: the Green Gamine is back and greener than ever. And in true form, I would like to celebrate the House of Mouse’s latest Ode to the Sea. As I am sure you already know, Disneynature, the “independent” film label that brought you earth is prepping to release Oceans. And on April 22, 2010, the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, no less. (Editor’s note: No, the lowercase “e” in earth is not a typo. I have yet to discover why Oceans is allowed to maintain a proper movie title with a capitalized “O”, while earth is stuck looking like an advertisemnt for Teen Vogue. If you know, please share.)

The news is that just days ago, Disney finally released Oceans‘ obligatory tween theme, a duet by none other than Disney’s new Brangelina: Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas. (Insert swoon.) Their song is aptly entitled “Make a Wave” and it features seals, otters, penguins and the like. I would recommend checking it out, even if only to be reminded that young love – true love (winknodnudge) – still exists. Also, if you decide to purchase the track via iTunes, Steve Jobs will send your $1.29 straight to various, unidentified environemntal relief organizations.

But seriously, this followup to “Send It On” – which also featured recently retired Hannah Montana and Selena Gomez – has some seriously good singing, especially on Demi’s part. She’s becoming markedly less annoying and has finally grown into her oversized grin. With Miley moving on to bigger and better Nicholas Sparks projects, Demi is quickly becoming my favorite Mouseketeer.

Watch these lovebirds make waves below. And excuse my corny humor.

Follow The Green Gamine on Twitter, s’il vous plait.

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