Tag Archives: Huffington Post

Another Reason to Swoon Over Ian Somerhalder (Other Than the Obvious)

Red Cross, green heart.

Ian Somerhalder is delicious on The Vampire Diaries, is he not? Which is not to say I don’t love Paul Wesley as Stefan Salvatore because I do—sappy, immortal Stefan is my ideal man. But Somerhalder as Stefan’s big bro Damon is a Rebel Without a Cause for a new era, and who among us can resist a man with wild eyebrows and a bad-ass leather jacket? No one.

That said, I’d like to point your attention to another reason The Bad Salvatore is red hot: he’s green! Check out this article he wrote for The Huffington Post about the BP oil spill and its ongoing effects. Somerhalder talks growing up on the Bayou, where the Gulf served not only as a resource to many neighboring families but also as the cornerstone of their culture. And he reminds us that, sadly, families are bereft because the oil spill recovery is far from complete. Just because the media is no longer there to capture the consequences doesn’t mean they don’t exist. He broke my heart a bit—just like two weeks ago when (SPOILER!) he told Elena that he loved her before erasing her memory.

Somerhalder is also an avid tweeter, which is how I discovered he’s such a greenie. After innocently stumbling upon his page, I read a number of his tweets concerning wildlife and conservation. A quick Google search directed me to the HuffPo article. How did we not know this? Tell me those (ahem) kids who watch TVD wouldn’t be happy to give a helping hand after hearing this. Way to use your platform for good, Damon, you delectable demon you.

It’s official: Leo is out and Ian is in as my fave green celeb. Who’s yours?

XO, The Green Gamine

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