Tag Archives: harry potter

Honestly, Muggles, Leave the Owls Be!

As a crooning Katy Perry so kindly reminds us on her latest album, Teenage Dream, it’s “Not Like the Movies.” No, kids, it’s certainly not, especially when the movies in question depict the Boy Who Lived and his snowy pet owl, which, I might add, is not a common pet for we non-magic folk. In fact, it’s ill-advised to train an owl as your house pet, particularly if you’re in India right now, as the outdoor owl population is swiftly declining.

Realer than a Death Eater killing Hedwig.

And according to the Indian Environment Minister, Jairam Ramesh, Harry Potter is to blame. Ramesh says, “Following Harry Potter, there seems to be a strange fascination even among the urban middle classes for presenting their children with owls.” He explains that the Harry Potter series is just as (if not more) popular in India as it is in the rest of the world. As opposed to books or even brooms (as Quidditch is also on the rise!), these kids want owls for the upcoming holiday.

And no, we’re not talking Christmas or Hanukkah. If rumors are to be believed, owls were sacrificed in black magic rituals during the Diwali, also known as the festival of lights. I don’t know if I believe all that hoopla, but if it’s true that owls are this year’s sacrificial lambs, someone should get on that – pronto. Owls were neither meant to be trained like kittens nor slaughtered in the name of magic.

While HP7: The Beginning of the End gets pretty bloody, the book doesn’t promote violence. On the contrary, Harry rages through war because he hopes to bring peace back to the wizarding world. I’m pretty sure J.K. Rowling meant for us to apply the sentiment to this world – the real world – as well. I truly hope we’ve only heard one side of the story, and that the other side is much happier.

How ’bout we buy the kids a canary next time, yes? Wondrous.

XO, The Green Gamine

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Evergreen Beauty Emma Watson


Do you believe in magic?

Besides starring in one of the world’s biggest franchises (HP), attending one of America’s top schools (Brown), and becoming the face of one of Britain’s most fashionable brands (Burberry), new found fashion icon Emma Watson can now add designing to her long list of accomplishments. Hermione Granger’s alter-ego spent her gap year – the European tradition of taking a year off from magical schooling before continuing with university studies – designing eco-friendly clothing for People Tree.

Says Emma of her 5-month stint, “I think young people like me are becoming increasingly aware of the humanitarian and environmental issues surrounding fast fashion and want to make good choices but there aren’t many options out there.”

Emma has the mind to change all that. The line entitled Love From Emma, which includes fair trade cotton clothing and candy wrapper-recycled accessories, will debut in February 2010. Can’t wait to see what her wand whipped up.

XO, The Green Gamine

P.S. Follow The Green Gamine all the way to Hogwarts on Twitter.

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Who’s Afraid of a Green Library?



Yesterday, for those of you who haven’t heard, Amazon unleashed its Kindle 2.0 on the literary world – the green answer to the printed book. It is a well known fact that chunks of the Amazon and the like have been wiped out so as to appease the wannabe wizards and teen vamps who have put the book industry back in business. Though series sales have skyrocketed, paving the way for a new breed of movie adaptations (Twilight anyone?), what price have we paid for the inimitable feel of crisp paper between our fingertips?

The Green Press Initiative conducted a study in 2006 to find out. Thanks to the 4.15 billion books printed that year, the industry left behind a carbon footprint size of 12.4. That’s 12.4 tons of metric waste. Not such an insignificant double digit anymore, huh? And that doesn’t include the daily Times you tend to toss, or those 52 issues of Entertainment Weekly you’ve been saving up from last year.

Seemingly, Amazon has found the alternative. Connected to the Sprint network, the new Kindle can download any of its 230,000 books in less than a minute. It has a longer battery life and a new, streamlined look, which is said to weigh less than the average paperback. With the newly expanded hard drive, you can toss 1,500 books into your handbag or briefcase, offering you more options for your morning commute. Continue reading

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