Tag Archives: greenpeace

She’s Just Being Miley

Has anybody seen Miley Cyrus’ new music video for “The Climb”? It’s chock-full of wildlife: azure skies, prancing ponies, and a little Grand Canyon thrown in for good measure. Now, I’m just about as ready as the rest of y’all to do the “Hoedown Throwdown.” (Anyone unwilling to do the boom-dee-clap-dee-clap is just unnecessary in my book. And if you don’t know what I’m talking about, go find a nine year-old that does.) But doesn’t it seem that the video has jumped on the greenwagon, exploiting Tennessee (and by default, the green movement) for all it’s worth? Click here and watch.

Thoughts? Speaking of pop phenoms, the punk band that brought you “Soco Amaretto Lime” (Green?), Brand New, has contributed their single “Welcome to Bangkok” to Greenpeace’s new ad for Kleerkut, the campaign that attempts to call Kimberly-Clark out on their very un(eco)friendly ways. According to Greenpeace, the company, which distributes Kleenex, Cottonelle, Viva and Scott, is wiping out Canadian forests in their efforts to stock the clean-up aisle. (Serves those Canadians right for killing all those harp seals!) Watch, listen, and learn.


Filed under Green Pop