Tag Archives: global green

Time for a (Green) Latte

bb050719_175I happen to be a BIG fan of the green tea frappuccino (with a squeeze of raspberry syrup). So finding out that Starbucks is attempting to coordinate with my favorite drink by going green is uber-exciting to me. 

More than 8,000 people have already agreed to take the “Mug Challenge” – bringing in a reusable thermos instead of using a throwaway paper cup. (By 2015, they hope that their paper goods will be 100 percent reusable and recyclable.) Bring in a mug and get 10 cents off your next skim latte. 

If you check out the website, you and your kids (or just you, you nostalgic fool) can play Planet Green Game, a partnership with Global Green that dares you to green your online neighborhood while giving you sustainability stats for a more educated future. 

You can also take a virtual tour of the newest fad – an entirely green Starbucks coffee shop, a mere few blocks away from the original in Seattle. Click on the leaves to discover how they built the joint, from coffee bag tapestries on the wall to cabinets made from trees fallen in the Seattle area. The shop is going for LEED certification. Starbucks already has a coffee plant that is certified in South Carolina.

Smell the coffee beans, people – your morning mojo has gone green. 

XO, The Green Gamine

P.S. Thanks for the tip, Nick! ♥

P.P.S. Follow my tweets. It’ll save your life – or at least the planet.

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Filed under Green Living

♥ Win a Date With Leo ♥

Relive the magic in iambic pentameter.

Relive the magic in iambic pentameter.

This is not like the time I announced my engagement to Zac Efron. (Hey, a girl can dream!) This is an opportunity of Titanic proportions. And it’s 100 percent legit.

Leonardo DiCaprio – as if I have to specify – is auctioning off a ticket to the premiere of his new film, Shutter Island, via eBay. Green hotel accommodations and an eco-friendly ride to the premiere will be provided, complements of Global Green USA, the eco-org the actor and noted environmentalist supports. According to the infamous Jack Dawson, your dollars will be directed towards “combat[ing] climate change and pursue[ing] important environmental imperatives, such as greening our nation’s schools, housing, cities and more.”

There are also signed copies of Titanic and personalized head shots to be won, as well as a Hawaiian shirt from the set of Catch Me If You Can. And remember, all the money will go towards Global Green’s green schools initiative. (How ’bout he makes a pit stop at NYU?)

Bidding began Wednesday night and will last until April 22nd – Earth Day! Better than Christmas.

XO, The Green Gamine


Filed under Green Pop, Green Shop