Tag Archives: gasoline rainbows

Chad Michael Murray, you lost yourself a winner.

Happier times. More successful times for Chad.

So, home alone the other day, I flicked on ABC Family and tuned into Christmas Cupid starring one Christina Milian—where the heck has she been?—as a control freak/career girl and her hot doctor-to-be beau, played by the inimitable Chad Michael Murray. I forgot how much I enjoyed watching Chad on One Trill Hill, which got me thinking about his onscreen love affair with cheerleader-turned-designer Brooke, which got me thinking about his off-screen ex-wife, Sophia Bush.

There are a number of things I love about Ms. Bush, not least of which are her dimples, which rival the likes of Cheryl Cole’s. (Sidebar: See what I mean? Wouldn’t you be a better, happier person with these dimples?) I also love that she’s found a new love in her current OTH boyfriend (or is it now husband?), and how he just happens to be a self-proclaimed green geek like the starlet. Score! Turns out, playing the seven degrees of Chad Michael Murray’s poor life and career choices can be fun and uplifting after all—for everyone but Chad that is.

But now that we’re on the topic of Sophia, let’s talk about her eco-obsessions for a moment, shall we? Cutely, she recently surprised her “biggest fan” by refurbishing his home in the way of the green. Aw, right? She and Austin Nichols, the aforementioned boyfriend, have also recorded a compilation album called Gasoline Rainbows, the proceeds of which will go to Global Green to help those who took a hit during the oil spill. Adorabs! These two may very well be my favorite humanitarian lovebirds, second of course to Team Jolie-Pitt over there in France.

Which reminds me: Are those two coming back to the states soon? Can they bring Johnny Depp and his French brood with them as well? Perhaps they can have Mad Hatter tea parties together instead of making ridiculous (but beautiful!) movies together in Italy. Sigh. L’amour!

XO, The Green Gamine

PS: You can now watch Christmas Cupid in all its sappy glory over on Hulu. Ah, Chad, let’s ask Santa for a kick-ass 2011, yes?

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