Tag Archives: fight club

Rewind: Ed Norton, Nickelodeon, and Earth Hour 2009

Sing it with me now (and try not to be pitchy): When the lights go down in the city…

…it’s probably a sign that Earth Hour is going down with them. Yesterday, landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben and the Parthenon switched off their sparklers in honor of Earth Hour 2009. The Vote Earth! Campaign and the WWF hosted the worldwide event, encouraging environ-lovers to flip the switch at 8:30 p.m. Using their light switch as a makeshift ballot, Parisians, Athenians, and Venetians alike voted “YES!” to saving our planet by living in darkness for an hour.

(If you are like me, and Are You Afraid of the Dark? scared the living bejesus out of you, this may have come as a challenge.)

More than 74 countries and territories agreed to go dark and, if the WWF got the stats they so desired, more than 1 billion people participated. The results will be on display at the Global Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen 2009, where world leaders will meet together to decide how to tackle the issue of global warming. With global ambassadors like Fight Club‘s Ed Norton, how could you possibly fail?

Naturally, there were some fools in the mood for a protest, scream-typing on Facebook: “[I’m] planning to start up an Anti-Earth Hour. Any takers??” Obviously, they hadn’t considered all the naughty things you can do for an hour in the dark. Shame on them.

XO, The Green Gamine

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