Tag Archives: earth day

Avatar to Plant a Million Trees

Burn one down, plant a million more.

That’s a lot of potential hair sex! Which reminds me, did you know that the IMAX DVD release of Avatar this summer will include an extra 6 to 10 minutes of completed footage? Director James Cameron promises this will include the “explicit” tail sex scene (!) between Jake and Neytiri, for the anthropological sort. C’mon, you witches and warlocks, don’t pretend you’re not pumped.

But back to April’s Cameron cut. As I’m sure you’ve heard, and as I’ve posted previously, the unornamented Avatar DVD is getting an Earth Day release. Convenient and gimmicky, but also cute considering director James Cameron‘s newfound commitment to our planet. Cameron and Co. promise to plant one million trees upon the DVD’s release, a partnership with Earth Day Network. Kathleen Rogers, President of Earth Day Network, has said that she hopes her organization’s partnership with Twentieth Century Fox “will inspire others to stand up against climate change for Earth Day.”

Are your goals as lofty for this 40th anniversary of Earth Day?

XO, The Green Gamine

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Filed under Green Living, Green Pop

Lovebirds Demi and Joe Make a Splash

Welcome back, lovers! I recently had the shock of my quasi-professional existence when I discovered that my precious website had suddenly disappeared! Perhaps you noticed? To be quite honest, I hadn’t, that is until my mother – my most loyal fan – informed me she could no longer access the site…!

Never fear: the Green Gamine is back and greener than ever. And in true form, I would like to celebrate the House of Mouse’s latest Ode to the Sea. As I am sure you already know, Disneynature, the “independent” film label that brought you earth is prepping to release Oceans. And on April 22, 2010, the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, no less. (Editor’s note: No, the lowercase “e” in earth is not a typo. I have yet to discover why Oceans is allowed to maintain a proper movie title with a capitalized “O”, while earth is stuck looking like an advertisemnt for Teen Vogue. If you know, please share.)

The news is that just days ago, Disney finally released Oceans‘ obligatory tween theme, a duet by none other than Disney’s new Brangelina: Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas. (Insert swoon.) Their song is aptly entitled “Make a Wave” and it features seals, otters, penguins and the like. I would recommend checking it out, even if only to be reminded that young love – true love (winknodnudge) – still exists. Also, if you decide to purchase the track via iTunes, Steve Jobs will send your $1.29 straight to various, unidentified environemntal relief organizations.

But seriously, this followup to “Send It On” – which also featured recently retired Hannah Montana and Selena Gomez – has some seriously good singing, especially on Demi’s part. She’s becoming markedly less annoying and has finally grown into her oversized grin. With Miley moving on to bigger and better Nicholas Sparks projects, Demi is quickly becoming my favorite Mouseketeer.

Watch these lovebirds make waves below. And excuse my corny humor.

Follow The Green Gamine on Twitter, s’il vous plait.

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Filed under Green Pop

YouTube Offers Green Tips

Meredith Grey in shades of green: Click me, choose me, love me…and you might just get yourselves some tips for greener living while you’re at it. Hit the pic for some Earth Day fun, complements of YouTube and GreenEffect.com.


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Filed under Green Tech

Love Your Mother (Earth)

kermitHappy Earth Day!

In honor of the turf we so adore, and the ongoing debate over global warming, here’s a green classic from everyone’s favorite frog. (Wink!)

A Note from the Frog: Miss Piggy ♥ Twitter. Get into the grove and follow mine

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Party Animals

metrocard-origami-12You’re not J. Lo so screw the 6 train. Ride the 5 express train to the Bronx Zoo to let loose and Party for the Planet. New York City Transit is running an Earth Day special.

Arrive with your metrocard in hand and get $5 off an adult ticket to the zoo. If you bring the kids, they can partake in eco-friendly festivities, such as recyclable crafts and wildlife theater performances. While you’re there, you can sign up to race in the Run for the Wild on April 25th. Benefits go towards the Wildlife Conservation Society.

Be sustainable, you animal

XO, The Green Gamine

P.S. You can now follow my tweets! I know you want to.


Filed under Green NYC

♥ Win a Date With Leo ♥

Relive the magic in iambic pentameter.

Relive the magic in iambic pentameter.

This is not like the time I announced my engagement to Zac Efron. (Hey, a girl can dream!) This is an opportunity of Titanic proportions. And it’s 100 percent legit.

Leonardo DiCaprio – as if I have to specify – is auctioning off a ticket to the premiere of his new film, Shutter Island, via eBay. Green hotel accommodations and an eco-friendly ride to the premiere will be provided, complements of Global Green USA, the eco-org the actor and noted environmentalist supports. According to the infamous Jack Dawson, your dollars will be directed towards “combat[ing] climate change and pursue[ing] important environmental imperatives, such as greening our nation’s schools, housing, cities and more.”

There are also signed copies of Titanic and personalized head shots to be won, as well as a Hawaiian shirt from the set of Catch Me If You Can. And remember, all the money will go towards Global Green’s green schools initiative. (How ’bout he makes a pit stop at NYU?)

Bidding began Wednesday night and will last until April 22nd – Earth Day! Better than Christmas.

XO, The Green Gamine


Filed under Green Pop, Green Shop