Tag Archives: dear mr. president

Happy Birthday, Mr. Presidents.

Presidents Day E-Book


Sure, seven-year-old, four-eyed delight Aaron Van Blerkom, may be snagging all the spotlight by asking our newly appointed Santa Claus to make it rain candy (that’s your cue, Obama). And with a smile like that, who could resist that sly dog?

However, at three years his senior, I find Miss Sasha Townsend‘s request a bit more timely (and gamine to say the least). While witnessing the inauguration both in and outside of D.C., Townsend, along with over 4,500 other children, scribbled political pleas to President Obama – a laundry list of concerns from a four-foot perspective.

Co-sponsored by the National Education Association and kidthing.com, the campaign was entitled the “Dear Mr. President” project. One hundred and fifty of the most urgent (or perhaps most hilarious in the case of Mr. Van Blerkom) were considered for a free compilation e-book, which was released today.

Here is what Miss Townsend, at the innocent age of 10, had to contribute:

I would appreciate it if you would try to make this a greener planet and try to bring home the troops and end the war,” the fifth-grader wrote. “I am very luckey because I am not part of a military family, but it saddens me to hear about all the people who die in Iraque and know that somewhere In the world people are greiving over a lost family member.”

Stop war and make the world a greener place – two of the most pertinent issues on Obama’s short list. Other issues that made the cut included the recession, disaster relief, and medical cures for diseases such as AIDs and cancer. A hardcover edition of the e-book will be sent to the President himself. Sweet, though not nearly as sustainable.

The e-book, on the other hand, simultaneously teaches kids the importance of literacy and sustainability. Though, considering the letters themselves, the only thing we need to teach these kids is how to make their dreams a reality. (Once we figure it out for ourselves, we should let them know.)

My oh my, we are raising idealistic children these days. Still, I think we have something to learn from them. If a ten-year-old girl is aware of the importance of going green, we old farts (in comparison) certainly have no excuse.

Now, use your day off wisely and go plant a tree.

XO, The Green Gamine

P.S. Here’s a clip of the students who wrote for the “Dear Mr. President” project. Too cute – and all too relevant.

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