Tag Archives: california waiver request

Treehuggers, Start Your Engines.

In attempt to maintain my one-sided love affair with Al Gore, I regularly receive updates in the form of e-mails from Repower America, a sub-sect of the Alliance for Climate Protection. Today, I received a “personal e-mail” from Ms. Cathy Zoi, the organization’s CEO. 

As a member of the We Campaign, I have been called upon to write a note to the Environmental Protection Agency, asking them to fight the good fight and honor California’s waiver request for higher eco-standards in cars. Fifty thousand messages have been sent thus far – the goal was to send another 50,000 today. 

 Here’s a note from Deirdre, hailing from the Golden State:

“I support Repower America because I care about the future of the Earth. Because I love my 8-year-old daughter, who asked me tonight ‘Mama, will there be enough trees to give us air in 100 years?'”

My pledge.

My pledge.

California is not the only state fighting against those four-wheeled polluters. Thirteen other states are also on board.

Some have argued that this should not be a state effort. Others believe that the auto industry doesn’t need encouragement to go green – just look at the Prius! But Repower America won’t stop fighting until every American car drives au naturale.

The website breaks down the supporter count by state and offers its vital stats. I’ll share the New Jersey tidbit with you, courtesy of  the Center for American Progress, as I grew up on hairspray and proper beaches:

New Jersey is successfully promoting renewable energy installations in the state; however, it currently generates most of its electricity from nuclear (52%) and natural gas (25%). If New Jersey invests $3.2 billion on energy efficiency and other clean energy resources, like wind, solar and biomass, the state can gain over 57,000 new green jobs within two years.

Governor Corzine is already making significant steps towards this goal with his energy master plan, which would employ between 1,500 to 2,000 people over 6-12 months in new, clean energy businesses, cut energy demand by 20% by 2020, and create an additional 20,000 “green-collar” jobs by that same year.

Considering that my roots have contributed to destroying the ozone layer, I’m pretty pumped about the advances. Stop by the site and put in your own two cents.

XO, The Green Gamine

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