Tag Archives: ashley greene

All That’s Green About Twilight

I Heart Edward.

Fellow Twi-Hards:

In honor of Twilight‘s DVD release today, I just thought I would mention all that’s green about our favorite human/vamp duo since Dracula and Whatsherface.

For starters…

  • “Compost is cool!” screams Bella and Edward’s biology teacher as they walk through a greenhouse on a class trip. Green education – love it. (Teach then advises the kids not to eat the compost… Oh, high school.)
  • Vampires are vegans.
  • The book takes places in Forks, Washington, the rainiest place on Earth, or in America, or something… which means it’s super lush and green!
  • Eclipse got the green light from Summit Studios. Its projected release date in June 2010. (I’ll be a college graduate by then. I’ll still be first in line at the box office.)
  • Hank Green of the Vlog Brothers serendaed us with the song, “I Am Not Edward Cullen.”
  • Robert “Edward Cullen” Pattinson’s clairvoyant sis, Alice, is played by a doll named Ashley Green(e).
  • Bella wears a green shirt on her first day of school…?

Alright, you get the idea, right ladies! Twilight is greener than Salazar Slytherin’s robes. Now, who’s coming to FYE to pick up a copy of the DVD with me? You already did. Faster than a vampire on feeding day, aren’t you?

XO, The Green Gamine

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