Hot Date

April 22, 2010: Earth Day

You’ve already made (and broken) your New Year’s resolution. Not biting your nails is no easy task. Still, if you’re seriously ecoconscious, here’s one way to keep the green every day in 2010: the recyclable planner. It’s one of the few purchases you’ll use everyday. Best part? You can chuck it at the end of the year – like every other quasi-resolution – and it will naturally decompose.

Ecojot, a Canadian post-consumer retailer, has some adorable, recyclable agendas. Ecojot also sells calendars – another New Year’s must-have. One Rachel McAdams – an actress whose knowledge of notebooks I wouldn’t question – is a fan. (You can check out everything on her green wish list by visiting her blog, green is sexy.)

Ecosystem, distributed by Barnes and Noble, has also released some green planners. Produced entirely in the USA, these recycled agendas come in watermelon, onyx and lagoon (pictured above). They’re sweet and streamlined, with perforated pages and an organic cotton bookmark.  Each planner also comes with an ID number, which you can pop into to find out just where the components of your recycled good came from.

Pencil me in for a chat on how you’re keeping it green in 2010.

Happy and Healthy, The Green Gamine xoxo

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