NBC Shakes Its Tailfeather

nbcI always did have a penchant for peacocks

According to this fascinating Fast Company article, NBC has reportedly gone green. After surveying it viewers, a whopping 82 percent of which recognize the station as a green network (who knew?), NBC launched its Green is Universal” campaign featuring the tagline “Green Lives Here.” (Green will also “laugh” and “shop” here when appropriate.)

Back in 2007, 30 Rock unleashed its “Greenzo” episode, a series of spoofs mocking carbon neutrality and green-minded PSAs. It ran during the network’s first “Green is Universal” week. NBC swore sustainability, purchasing carbon-offset credits and launching a green subsection of their website. 

They claim to have saved themselves $2 million in the last year!

Question is, when Thursday night rolls around, will you be ditching Grey’s Anatomy for its green competitor, 30 Rock? I love Tina, too. But I love McDreamy more.

XO, The Green Gamine

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