Hello, Treehuggers.

As The Green Gamine, I ask three questions. Is it hip? Is it now? Is it green? Often, these three categories collide, and this blog hopes to prove just that. I’ll be bringing you the latest in green lawmaking, technology, living, shopping, even celebing. I’m interested in everything from the seriousness of sustainability, to the adorable new canvas bag brought to you by a 5th Avenue flagship (or the boutique right around the corner).

This is a blog that is meant to keep you up date and in the know, but it is also meant to be used a resource for how to live greener day to day. In addition to the breaking news, I’ll also be reporting on the people making changes in today’s society.

And I’m not just talking about the King of Green himself (you know it, Al Gore). I’m talking about the unsung heroes in our local communities, helping to make a big difference by creating a small change. Undoubtedly, they will serve as a source of motivation, inspiring you to rise to the eco-challenge.

Kermit was right – it isn’t easy being green. The political debates and the divide in the country over the necessity of acting now are proof alone that turning this red, white and blue nation green is an obstacle – but that is not to say that it cannot be overcome. Under this new administration, we are not simply on the brink of change – we’re living it.

Now is the time to act. Hug a tree. Be a sap for saplings. Grow your own garden. Don’t just settle for a bright future, unless it is powered by solar energy. Demand the best for the generation to come. Be Kermit. Be green – and like it.

XO, The Green Gamine

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